Sunday 7 August 2011

Day 48 : Riding at June Lake

Another early start to get to June Lake for a half day horse ride in the morning. We trekked up to the top of a mountain overlooking June Lake – first time in Western saddles but the horses knew where they were going. Our horses (Custer and Mike) were amazingly sure-footed on the steep and rocky trail.

Back at the camp, we walked around the lake and found the beaver dam (no beaver to be seen though) and had a lazy afternoon. Splashed out and had sausages and wine for dinner (cooked in the fire pit). It’s too cold to sit outside once the sun has set.

Animal count: many suicidal chipmunks on roads (amazingly, we only ran one over). 3 white-tailed deer. Many horses.

1 comment:

  1. Animal Death Points: Only 10 .... A poor performance
